Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Discussion Question 3 (Week 4)

Frank finally comes home for Christmas, but Hazel notices that he has changed. War seems to have changed all of them. How has Frank changed since he left? What event caused him and Hazel to reconnect? What do you think the light in the sky was? Make sure to use examples from the book and explain all of your thinking.
Make sure to answer all THREE questions in your answer. 

Make sure to answer your question with a RAD response and use details from the text to support your thinking. Type it in your blogging doc first so you can make corrections if necessary. Make sure to look at your conventions before you submit.


  1. How Frank has changed since he left was he seems a lot meaner and tries to act tough and isn't pleasant to be around. He is also pushy and says stuff to Hazel like "Shut up Nut!" and once he said "Get up Nut! The FBI is here!" and yells at her like some kind of drill Sargent. He even cursed once towards Japanese people. What event caused Frank and Hazel to reconnect was when they almost died of the bomb. Frank ran towards Hazel tackling her saying "Get Down! There's a bomb!" When the FBI came and after Frank saved Hazel's life they connected again. What I think the light in the sky was, was maybe a plane soaring over the sky or another plane getting shot down or the bomb that Hazel and Frank almost got killed by. Maybe gunfire or even something that has to do with Jed.

    1. Carson I like your thinking. Nicely done. I like your thinking I love all your detail

    2. nice Carson, I like how you use a lot of description and explain your thinking. like when you are saying that he is a little more mean that usual and you back it up with details from the text. I think you did great !!!!!!!

  2. Frank has really changed a lot because of the war. He used to be a lot more fun and engaging but now he isn't as nice. However he started to change when they found the bomb and had to get the FBI involved. I think the light in the sky was another one of the Japanese bombs.

  3. I liked how you used text evidence Carson.

  4. When Frank comes home Hazel notices something about Frank. She notices that he has changed. She realizes that he isn’t into what he used to. He doesn’t even remember that they were working on wood for the tower. She realizes that now that he’s older he doesn’t to be with Hazel or the family. Frank feels that what Hazel is doing is to baby. Frank wants to be like the other boys who don’t play with their little sister. He wants to be able to fit in. The only thing that has interested Frank is that when Hazel tells him about the lights. He gets interested because his boss at the Young Army Corps told the boys about them. He got interested in what these lights might be. The only problem is that once they get interested the curiosity went too far. It led to almost being killed.

    I think that the lights in the sky were warnings, planes, or small explosions, in space or from the Japanese. “ In yon sky-look, look! The star!” “ I turned around to see where he was pointing. A ball of reddish fire was pacing majestically among the stars, as though leading the way to-” From this I thought that it might be a warning from the japanese to warn the Americans that they were coming. Also, they could be planes that have some sort of stuff that comes out of it. They could be bombs that were supposed to come down to land but exploded in the air. They also could be a warning that the Japanese were going to bomb. The fireball could’ve been some explosion in space. Like a meteor, that was flying through the air. I most likely thing that these are warnings or bombs that didn’t make to earth.

    On the hill-
    “ Of course after thinking about it, we both knew that it wasn’t the star of Bethlehem. But what was it? A Zero fighter plane blown out of the sky, like I’d always hoped to see? But there was no sound except a firecracker boom.”
    Telling Frank-
    “ As I talked, a change came over him. He didn’t seem to pay much attention at first, but then his eyes stopped moving across the page, and next they weren’t on the page at all, and finally they were staring right at me, round and amazed.”

    1. Wow Carly, that is amazing how much details you got! And nice idea for your light in the sky.

  5. Great Job Joshie! I liked the description you used

  6. How Frank has changed since he has left is he is more into finding out about the Japanese, and the way he is still engaged in his work. Also, Frank is still doing his job on full steam though it is his brake. The event that caused Hazel and Frank to reconnect is when they two travelers got almost blown up by a bomb. And this helped them reconnect by how dangerous that was, and how they could of been killed! What I think the light in the sky is a pod from an airplane being destroyed in the sky and falling down into the trees. I think this because Hazel said it looked like a fighter plane being shot out of the sky.

  7. Frank has changed since he has left for war by… being a bit more chatty for example “Under the new Frank who gabbed about jamming with the fellows,” Hazle stated on page 188.
    The event that caused Frank and Hazel to reconnect was the hike. During the hike it made them reconnect because they experienced the bomb together. Before Frank went to fight in war they were going to build a hawks nest to look out for the Japanese plains, they saved up all of there money to buy a book to learn Japanese so experiencing this brought them back to when everything was normal.
    I think that the light in the sky was the Germans bombing something like a building. I think this because during that time we know that Pearl Harbor was bombed and lots of other things. Therefore, it could fall into the bombing category.
